Our Hazard Prevention Advisory Feature is a pinnacle of AI-driven safety in the construction industry. By analyzing job site data against OSHA standards, our system predicts potential hazards and recommends practical measures to mitigate them effectively and efficiently.

Our Hazard Prevention Advisory not only forecasts and mitigates risks but also embodies the synergy of AI innovation with construction expertise. It represents a leap forward in securing job sites, optimizing safety measures, and fostering a culture of prevention first and foremost.


Embed a culture of safety with our Hazard Prevention Advisory, which sets a new standard for risk management in the construction sector from the planning stage to project completion.

Customizable Safety Protocols

Adapt and apply safety measures that align with your construction project's unique requirements, powered by AI.

ntegrated Risk Design Interface

Integrate predictive hazard analysis directly into your project's design phase, allowing for preemptive design modifications and planning.

Safety Assured Project Lifecycle

Ensure that each project phase is fortified with advanced safety measures, reducing risk and protecting your workforce throughout.


Gain unparalleled control over job site safety with our cutting-edge Hazard Prevention Advisory Feature, delivering more than just compliance—delivering peace of mind.


Our Hazard Prevention Advisory elevates job site safety to new heights, predicting potential risks and offering intelligent, actionable strategies in compliance with OSHA’s hierarchy of controls.


It’s our AI-driven feature that anticipates potential job site hazards, offering recommendations to mitigate them based on OSHA’s hierarchy of controls.

Our AI analyzes vast amounts of job site data, past incidents, and compliance records to forecast risks and suggest proactive safety measures.

Yes, it’s designed to integrate seamlessly with your existing projects, providing real-time hazard assessments and mitigation strategies.

Our AI systematically scans for all OSHA requirements relevant to your current job site, preemptively identifying potential violations and recommending corrective actions to maintain compliance.